The EFEPA is proud to offer three evidence-based programs that have been shown to improve the lives of adults diagnosed with epilepsy. These programs, called HOBSCOTCH, PACES, and CDSMP give individuals the tools and strategies to gain more control over their lives to better manage and navigate epilepsy. Learn more below!


(For more information on epilepsy & mental health click HERE!)



HOme Based Self-management & COgnitive Training CHanges lives

HOBSCOTCH is a self-management program designed to help people with epilepsy find ways to manage and cope with their memory problems in order to lead a happier, more productive life. More than half of people with seizures experience memory problems and feel that seizures interfere with memory.

Why do people with seizures have memory problems?

  • Stress, anxiety & depressed mood
  • Seizure & abnormal brain activity
  • Physical abnormalities of the brain
  • Abnormal brain chemistry
  • Medication side effects



You will Learn:

  • How epilepsy and seizure affect memory.
  • Skills to compensate for memory problems in everyday life.
  • Ways to reduce stress, improve your memory, and increase your quality of life.


You Will Receive:

  • 8 virtual or telephone sessions with a HOBSCOTCH certified EFEPA Memory Coach
  • HOBSCOTCH Workbook
  • Memory Tool Box
  • Day Planner & Seizure Diary

Click to Download Brochure!

Taking Control: Building Skills to Improve Cognitive Challenges in Epilepsy

Interested? Contact Rena Loughlin at or call 215-779-8828



Program Structure

Each session lasts about 45-60 minutes

Session 1

What is Memory? Memory & Seizures. Problem Solving. Quick Relaxation.

Session 2

Problem Solving Therapy. Keeping a Schedule.

Session 3 – 7

Problem Solving Worksheet.

Session 8

Wrap up. Maintenance Strategies.

What is PACES?

The Program of Active Consumer Engagement in Self-management in epilepsy

PACES is an eight-session epilepsy self-management program designed to increase the medical, psychosocial, and community adjustment of adults with active seizure conditions. Participants develop coping and goal-setting strategies that improve overall and discrete aspects of quality of life, epilepsy self-management and efficacy, and anxiety and depression.

PACES provides adults with active seizure conditions with the tools they need to manage their conditions effectively.






Key Features:

  • Education about seizures types and available treatments, the influence of epilepsy on mood, stress, and cognition, and strategies for healthy lifestyle and active community engagement.
  • Training and practice using specific strategies to cope with stress and the blues.
  • Personalized goal-setting and support to help you articulate and pursue life changes that are important to you.
  • Qualified facilitator teams to include a trained epilepsy mental health professional and a trained peer with epilepsy.
  • A virtual group program via Zoom.



You Will Receive:


  • 8 weekly virtual group sessions with 2 qualified facilitators
  • PACES Workbook

Click to Download Brochure! Click to Download Flyer!







Interested? Contact Rena Loughlin at [email protected] or call 215-779-8828




Program Structure

Each group session lasts about 1.5 hours. Each session covers a specific topic and the relevant skills and tools:

1. Epilepsy and Medical Issues
2. Dealing with Stress and The Blues (Part One)
3. Dealing with Stress and The Blues (Part Two)
4. Compensating for Cognitive Challenges
5. Getting the Most out of Community Living
6. Managing My Epilepsy Care
7. Effective Communication About My Epilepsy
8. My Health and Wellbeing


What is CDSMP?


The Chronic Disease Self-ManagementProgram (CDSMP) is a free, virtual group program for adults with at least one chronic health condition, which may include epilepsy. It focuses on disease management skills including decision making, problem-solving, and action planning. Facilitators are EFEPA staff members.

Topics Include:

  • Appropriate exercise for maintaining and improving strength and endurance
  • Falls prevention
  • Healthy eating
  • Better breathing techniques
  • Appropriate use of medication
  • Working more effectively with healthcare providers
  • Communicating with friends and family
  • Communicating with oneself
  • Communicating with the healthcare system
  • Action-planning, problem-solving, decision-making

What is the Benefit?

This interactive program aims to increase: 

  • Confidence
  • Physical and psychological well-being
  • Knowledge of ways to manage chronic conditions
  • Motivation to manage challenges associated with chronic diseases.

How Does it Work?

Participants attend a 2.5-hour interactive, virtual workshop once a week for 6 weeks to learn problem-solving, decision-making, and other techniques for managing problems common to people with chronic diseases. These workshops are offered in person and virtually and run by 2 trained leaders. In a typical workshop, participants set a realistic goal for the upcoming week

and develop an action plan for meeting that goal. They report on their progress at the following workshop and ask for feedback from the group to help address any challenges.

Interested? Contact Rena Loughlin at [email protected] or call 215-779-8828